PiezoMEMS Analyzer

Radiant Technologies’ Precision PiezoMEMS Analyzer integrates digital, analog, and communications circuit functions with the existing non-linear materials measurement capabilities of the Precision Multiferroic Non-linear Materials Tester, all supervised by Radiant's Vision programmable test environment. The PiezoMEMS Analyzer not only measures piezoelectric properties of actuator and sensor elements of a commercial product, it will communicate with the product's electronic logic, talk to embedded microprocessors, supply asynchronous voltages and pulses, and measure sensor frequencies.


Output Range +/-100V or +/-200V expandable to 10kV

16-bit Arbitrary Waveform Generator output
270KHz @ +/-100V and 100KHz @+/-200V built-in
Accuracy 0.5% or Better
Maximum Data Points 32000
Minimum Pulse Widths down to 0.5µs
Maximum Pulse Widths down to 1µs and up to 1s
Vision controlled output ramp for maximum accuracy
Polarization Measurement under AC & DC Magnetic Fields
18-bit Resolution (analog to digital converters)
0.5µs capture rate with 0.1µs interlace facility
Polarization, output voltage and SENSORs captured simultaneously
Minimum charge sensitivity -> 0.80fC
Minimum PZT capacitor area -> 0.5u2
Maximum Area Resolution 52.6mC
Maximum Area Resolution >130cm2 w/o HVI attached)
Maximum hysteresis loop frequency ->270KHz
Minimum hysteresis loop frequency -> 1/30th Hz



LMS Instruments Co., Ltd.

128/190 Phyathai Plaza Building, 17th Floor Phyathai Road, Thung – Phyathai, Radthavee, Bangkok 10400

Tel : 66(0) 2 612 9091,66(0) 2 612 9092
Fax : 66(0) 2 612 9093
E-mail : info@lmsinstr.com

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