Automatic Relaxation and Creep Tester, EB 18-II-3


Elastocon EB 18-II-3 allows Relaxation and Creep Tester to be carried out automatically.


The instrument has 3 test stations and an individual control of each test station as well as the temperature of each cell. The test rigs are based on our relaxation rig EB 02, but here the lowering and raising of the rigs as well as the compression or stretching of the samples are motor driven by a servo motor.


The EB 18-II-3 instrument is, by default, delivered with compression plates, 1000 N load cells, and with a temperature range between +40 to +200 °C. If testing at room temperature is wanted, the test can be performed with the rigs in their raised position in the hood instead of down in the cells of the oven.


Other accessories can be ordered separately, such as for testing in liquids, tension or temperature range up to +300 °C (HT-version). Optional load cells range from 100 N to 2000 N, the latter is a high force option called EB 18-II-3HF.


The test rigs are built into a cabinet made of polycarbonate with aluminium profiles, which provides the same temperature stability around the upper part of the rigs as our other continuous relaxation test systems. The oven is one of our high precision ageing ovens, and meets the international standard ISO 188 method A as well as other technically equivalent standards.


Both testing methods, stress relaxation and creep uses the same accessories. The shifting between the two test methods is done when the software is started. Changing between compression and tension consist of a simple rebuilding of the rigs.


The instrument perform well according to ISO 188 method A, ISO 3384-1 method A, ISO 6914, ISO 899 with modification, and other equivalent standards.


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Features and Technical Specifications >>




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