เครื่องวัดอัตรากรไหลของพอลิเมอร์ รุ่น MI-3
The Melt Flow Index intrument MI-3 enables to measure the melt-flow-rate (MFR) and the melt-volume-rate (MVR) with a semi-automatic instrument. This unique melt index instrument can carry out a single weight test according to ISO 1133 and ASTM D1238, procedures B, as well as ISO 1133 and ASTM D1238 Procedure C for the "Half Height / Half Diameter" standard.
The MI-3 is equipped with a weight cartridge, to enable the operator an opportunity to choose the measuring weight manual. The high resolution position sensor with an automatic selection of the resolution allows a repeatable, reliable determination of MFR and MVR.
- Force controlled pre-loading / ejection via drive and test weights
- Multi-Load tests with up to 8 different weights, ascending, descending or freely selectable
- High-precision timer with a resolution better than 0.001 s
- Temperature control algorithm, resolution 0 to 320°C: 0.01°C, 320 to 500°C: 0.1°C
- High-resolution position transducer to measure volume output