CRYSTEX instrument is considered a breakthrough technology automation of the amorphous fraction in polypropylene copolymers, also referred to as xylene solubles measurement in polypropylene copolymers. The crystalline and amourphous fractions are separated through dissolution – crystallization temperature cycle within closed stainless steel vessels (up to three samples can be analysed at a time).
This method is being embraced by the industry as a robust and reliable alternative to traditional gravimetric method (ISO 6427 part B, ASTM D-5492) due to dramatic reduction of time spent by the analyst and laboratory supplies, the outstanding precision and the multi-detection capabilities.
- Full automation of the Xylene Solubles method, no manual solvents handling
- Results compatible with manual ISO 6427 method
- Linear correlation with Heptane Solubles method
- Results of three samples in about 4 hours
- No need for accurate weighing of sample or volume control
- Low consumption of solvent
- Process with no user supervision required and intrinsically safe operation
- Precision obtained in the Xylene Solubles results better than 0.7% RSD.
- Ready for continuous operation 24 hours/7days in manufacturing control laboratories
- Incorporation of the IR4 detector for measurement of concentration
- Possibility of obtaining additional information : ethylene content and intrinsic viscosity of the whole polymer, crystalline and non-crystalline fractions
- Remote control possibility to easy diagnosis from Polymer Char Service Centre