DSC 204 F1 Phoenix®

The versatile Premium Differential Scanning Calorimeter, DSC 204 F1 Phoenix®, fascinates with its unique concept: all essential operational components are integrated into the instrument and optional add-ons can be installed anytime on site. 

The DSC measuring cell consists of a cylindrical high-conductivity silver block with an embedded heating coil for broad thermal symmetry (3D symmetry) in the sample chamber, the cooling ports for liquid nitrogen or compressed air cooling and a cooling ring for connection of the intracooler (also with simultaneous liquid nitrogen cooling). The gas-tight construction and integrated mass flow controllers for the purge and protective gases allow coupling to an FT-IR or MS for gas analysis.

Temperature range -180°C to 700°C
Heating rates 0.001 K/min to 200 K/min
Cooling rates max. 200 K/min
Compressed air cooling RT to 700°C
Intracooler for the extended range -85°C to 600°C
Automatically controlled LN2 cooling -180°C to 700°C
Indium Response Ratio (*)

>160 mW/K

(*) Peak Height [mW]/Peak with at 50% Height [K] of Indium melting peak

Gas control for 2 sample gases and 1 protective gas through integrated mass flow controller and software
Automatic sample changer for 192 samples and reference crucibles (optional)



LMS Instruments Co., Ltd.

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