Photo-DSC 204 F1 Phoenix

The main advantage of light-curing systems is their fast reaction time. Monomer solutions which are mostly free of solvents can be cured within only a few seconds and already at low temperatures. A combination of thermal and light curing reactions is often applied to dual cure adhesives or paints.

The NETZSCH Photo-DSC 204 F1 Phoenix®, Differential Photocalorimeter, works in the temperature range from -100°C to 200°C. The Differential Photocalorimetry instrument has a gas-tight measuring cell and the purge gas control is regulated by a mass flow controller (MFC).

For our Photo-DSC 204 F1 Phoenix®, Differential Photocalorimetry system, most standard industry or laboratory lamps for cationic or radically curing material systems can be used.

Temperature range -100°C to 200°C
Crucibles open Aluminium
Recommended Hg-Lamp types


- OmniCure® S 2000

Max. Power

- 9.9 W/cm2

- >10 W/cm2

Wavelength range

- 280/315 nm to 500 nm*

- 280/320 nm to 500 nm*

*) variable and extendable 

with various filters

Irradiation time

- 0.1 s to 1000 s

- 0.2 s to 1000 s

Existing orifice diameter

- 8 mm, 4 mm, 2 mm

- 8 mm, 4 mm, 2 mm

Durability (Lamp)

- 1500 h

- 2000 h



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