Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) / Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) records a material’s temperature-dependent visco-elastic properties and determines its modulus of elasticity and damping values by applying an oscillating force to the sample.

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) Products
DMA 242 E Artemis
The Most Versatile DMA in the World
The new DMA 242 E Artemis combines ease of handling with the user-friendly Proteus® measurement and evaluation software. This makes it fast and easy to characterize the dynamic mechanical properties as a function of frequency, temperature and time.
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EPLEXOR Series Up to ±500 N
The testing instruments of the EPLEXOR® series up to ±500 N enable the dynamic mechanical (or static) characterization of a wide range of different materials including elastomers and polymers, composites, metals, glasses, ceramics, biomaterials and foods, adhesives, and liquids.
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DMA EPLEXOR Ultra-High Force Series up to 6000 N
These instruments offer static and additional dynamic force levels from max. ± 2000 N to max. ± 6000 N each, and are thus the perfect choice for investigating the dynamic mechanical (or only static) properties of rigid samples as well as of specimens with larger dimensions – even component parts. Thanks to their modular design, ultra-high force DMTA instruments can accommodate add-ons to additionally carry out tests on such properties as fatigue, heat build-up, blow-out, or rolling resistance.
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DMA EPLEXOR High Temperature Series up to 500 N
The EPLEXOR® HT line is the only instrument series on the market which is able to carry out DMA measurements with a maximum dynamic force of 500 N to 1500°C.
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Accurate measurements of Heat Build-up or Blow out processes and the determination of the thermal set can be realised by our GABOMETER® system – a development based on the established Goodrich Flexometer.
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